Giving Back

Dr. Spence and Dr. Shpak believe that it is important to help. They donate to numerous community events and to many charitable organizations over the years. Lisiting some of the main ones you may find interesting:

  • Gold Star Supporter of Children's Hospital for over 30 years (10,000 or more per year)
  • Creator of the Angels Giving Annual Fund Raiser for Childrens.  We match patient donations . They donate old gold crowns, we match. ( BCTV)
  • Creator of the Challenge of the Dentists , a part of this Angel's giving progam , requesting that they match donations.
  • Sole supporter for an anti-anxiety, anti- pain educational video for children and young teens at BC Children's to assist the youngest members of our society with a program of care and a kind approach to relief of discomforts.
  • Donated dentistry  in 3rd world countries providing surgeries to repairs jaw defects due to accidents and infections, placing implants, and  more routine treatments
  • One of the few major main supporters to build and complete a new soup kitchen downtown Vancouver.
  • Free dentistry for needy seniors and children in our community, as well as"re-habbing" individuals.
  • Provided funds to help build the original community play park here in Ladner.
  • Provided dentisty to GFStrong's rehab patients, and Pearson Hospital patients .
  • Trained dentists at the training cener in Seattle in advanced areas of dentistry.
  • On-going supporter of Children's Hospital Foundation.
  • Firefighters... single mothers... community teams... community events...shelters for displaced youth... and more
  • Helping our community is our way to give back and thank you to you all  for the privilege of serving your needs.

Dental work goes long way for sick kids

Ian Jacques / Delta Optimist - JUNE 12, 2018 02:36 PM


The sta at Ladner Dental Clinic presented a cheque for more than $24,000 at this year’s BC Children’s Hospital Miracle Weekend telethon.
Photograph By SUBMITTED

A little dental work has gone a long way to help some of B.C.’s sick kids.

Sta members at Ladner Dental Clinic presented a donation of more than $24,000 at the BC Children’s Hospital Miracle
Weekend telethon.

Dr. Kevin Spence, Dr. Carol Shpak and some of their sta were invited to be on Global BC, which broadcasted the telethon, to
present the donation and tell the viewing audience a little bit about their story.

“We have been doing this for years, but this year Children’s Hospital asked us to go on TV,” Spence said of last weekend’s time
in the spotlight.

Decked out in angel costumes complete with wings, the group presented the cheque saying that Ladner residents were the
“real angels” to help them achieve this major fundraising eort.

“This has been pretty much a routine for us for more than 30 years,” said Spence. “When we remove old crowns from patients
we ask them if they would like to keep them or donate them to our collection that is eventually rened.”

Spence said the clinic collected about $12,200 from the gold and then matched that to get to the $24,000-plus total.

Over the years, Spence estimates the clinic has donated $50,000 to BC Children’s Hospital.

“This is all about our sta and the community of Ladner,” he said. “We are just so proud of our sta and the community for
supporting this. Everyone in Ladner has just been amazing.”

He said BC Children’s Hospital is near and dear to the sta at the clinic.

“BC Children’s has aected so many people in the oce and our patients. We just feel it is such an important organization to

Ladner Dental Clinic is now challenging all other South Delta dental clinics and other dental clinics in B.C. to match or beat
their fundraising eorts.

BC Children’s Hospital Miracle Weekend telethon raised a record $21 million this year.

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